Friday, February 26, 2010

Week 4: Recipe Book

I've been working this week on a recipe book for a local dietician to use for a presentation at an elementary school. There were only a few requirements for this project:
1) It's going to be printed on 8.5 x 11 paper and folded in half to make a book
2) It has to be in black and white
3) Of course, it has to include all the information I was given.
The book's actually turned out to be longer than I had originally thought; it's going to be about fourteen pages with the cover. I was given ten recipes, two "top ten" sort of lists, and another two pages of other information to be included. Each recipe and the two lists will get their own pages, and the other things will be added to the bottom of pages where they will fit. That the book has to be in black and white and that it is for elementary school age children and their parents has helped shape the design.

This is the cover and back of the book, the front being on the left so it will fold right with a little logo on the back. The black blocks around titles is something that I carried throughout the book.

These are the first and last pages of the book, which is where I decided to put the lists. The amount of information that needs to go on each page and the requirement that everything be in black and white prohibited a lot of graphics. Instead, I concentrated the design on working with text alone instead of trying to incorporate a lot of graphics that would just make the design busy.

These are two of the pages of recipes. Carrying on the black title box on the front and the title boxes on the list pages, I've made title boxes for the names of each of the recipes. The little extra bits of information will go on the bottom of pages like these that have room at the bottom, probably in outlined boxes.

This is the middle spread of the book. The recipe on the right is supposed to be the featured recipe, which is why it's in a black box, in reverse from the rest of the book.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 3: Portfolio (still)

I know I'm late with the post this week; but I was at the Addy awards ceremony for AAF Pensacola last night, and posting completly slipped my mind.
That said, I continued work on my portfolio this week. I built a version of the notebook I want to use laying flat, so the work displayed on it will be flat and easier to see. The next thing was to get the page to turn on the book. I found a great tutorial for doing this on; the screenshot links to the tutorial. Creating the animation was a little time-consuming, but it happened eventually.
The real problem was tying the page turning movie clip to a button. First the page wouldn't stop turning, whether the button was clicked or not. Then the page wouldn't turn at all even when the button was clicked. Eventually, I put a stop action on the first frame of the movie clip and programmed the button to skip to the second frame of the movie clip and play from there.
I reveresed the movie clip and added a button to turn the page back, so the book will turn both ways.
I also did a little bit of work on some other pieces to go on the desktop behind the book.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 2: Portfolio

I haven't gotten any feedback on the Buccaneer rackcard and the Panhandle brochure, so I wasn't able to do much work on those this week. Instead, I started work on my digital portfolio. I wanted make something that was personable and sort of informal. What I came up with was a desktop with papers, pens, and a notebook scattered on it-something like what my desk really looks like. The notebook will function like a real notebook and be the functional part of the portfolio, though I may come up with something interesting to do with the other objects on the page. Clicking on the tabs on the notebook will open it to the particular category of work selected. I'm planning on shifting the perspective on the book when it's clicked, so it will be flat, which will display the work better.
I'm planning on making the page look like it's really turning, but that will take some research because I can't really think of how to do that off the top of my head. So, I've gotten a good bit done; but there's still a good bit to do.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week 1: rackcard and brochure

This week I've been working on a rackcard for Bucccaneer Gift Shop in downtown Fort Walton. I decided to go with the name of the shop and liken the rackcard to an old treasure map. It's certainly not finished; I need some pictures and some input from the customer before I can finish it. I also designed a logo for the store, since they don't already have one.

I've also been working on a sales brochure for Panhandle Pump Company. I used a sort of a grid pattern for the layout since it's an industrial sort of business. I also did a little bit of redesign on the logo. It wasn't anything huge; I just stylized the outline of the state a little. There is still some work to be done on it. Other than the picture on the front needing to be changed out, it's pretty close to being done.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Digital Senior Project

For the project this semester, I'm planning to do an internship at Hillis Graphics. This will involve creating pieces, from posters to business cards, for clients, which will eventually be printed. Along with the internship, I'm planning to do several other smaller projects, some of which will be for printed graphics and some of which will have to do with electronic graphics.