Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 3: Portfolio (still)

I know I'm late with the post this week; but I was at the Addy awards ceremony for AAF Pensacola last night, and posting completly slipped my mind.
That said, I continued work on my portfolio this week. I built a version of the notebook I want to use laying flat, so the work displayed on it will be flat and easier to see. The next thing was to get the page to turn on the book. I found a great tutorial for doing this on; the screenshot links to the tutorial. Creating the animation was a little time-consuming, but it happened eventually.
The real problem was tying the page turning movie clip to a button. First the page wouldn't stop turning, whether the button was clicked or not. Then the page wouldn't turn at all even when the button was clicked. Eventually, I put a stop action on the first frame of the movie clip and programmed the button to skip to the second frame of the movie clip and play from there.
I reveresed the movie clip and added a button to turn the page back, so the book will turn both ways.
I also did a little bit of work on some other pieces to go on the desktop behind the book.

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